Leverstock Green Cricket Club News story

SAT OCT 7 DINNER & DANCE: All The Info You Need To Know For Easy Booking - Places Limited So Act Now!

17 Sep 2017

IF you've not done so already, it's high time to book your places for LGCC's Annual Dinner & Dance on The Green, Saturday October 7.

Those wishing to attend can now find, via the links below, a menu and booking form for the Dinner Dance & Presentations.

Tickets will cost £45 per head and places are limited to 100 guests.

Click HERE to download the menu options.
Click HERE to download the Booking Form.

The booking form allows you to book either individually or for your group. Tables will seat 10 guests and groups of 10 will clearly be sitting together. We will endeavour to sit other smaller groups together as much as possible.

The evening will provide the culmination to the club’s highly-successful cricket season. It will follow a similar format to previous years as detailed below:

6.30pm - Guests arrive
7.00pm - Guests seated for presentations
7.45pm - Dinner served, followed by a disco and dancing

We would be grateful for payments to be made in full and to be received by Saturday September 30, 2017. No money will be refunded after this date unless alternative guests can be found.  Places, as ever, are strictly limited so you are encouraged to book early to avoid disappointment.


By Bank Transfer:
LGCC bank account number 40680575, sort code 20-39-07.
(use ref: D&D surname, e.g. D&D HEATH)

By post / By Hand:
Please have your completed form and payment reach:
Mrs Claire Heath
1 Barleycroft
Leverstock Green
Hemel Hempstead

Alternatively you may hand your completed form and payment in an envelope to Claire Heath. 
Please do not leave completed booking forms and payments at the club.  This will help ensure no bookings are mislaid.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Any further questions?
Please contact LGCC's Events Co-Ordinator Claire Heath on garyclaireh@btinternet.com or 07871 859777.