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Leverstock Green Cricket Club News story

SAT MAY 11 - CLUB SOCIAL EVENT: Speedquizzing

05 May 2019

IT'S about time you were able to use your mobile phone at a Quiz Night without someone saying you're cheating, right?

Well that's exactly what you can do on the evening of Saturday May 11 at The Green, when Speedquizzing hits LGCC from around 8pm, with a £5 entry per mobile phone registered.

 Join us for something brand new at LGCC as mobile phones become an essential for this new style of interactive Quiz Nights. It's technology-based in terms of submitting answers, but you don't need to be a whizzkid to have a go. It's questions and answers - using your mobile!

It's simple to take part and you don't need to have downloaded anything before the night, so whether you're taking part individually or having a phone between friends or family, that's fine by us.

We'll see you at The Green for Speedquizzing!