Leverstock Green Cricket Club News story

LGCC FACEBOOK: Move WIth Us From 'Group' To 'Page'

18 Apr 2024

IN a bid to continue to increase the club's positive profile within the local community, Leverstock Green CC has taken the decision to move its Facebook presence further into the public domain.

The contents of the originally-created 'Facebook closed group' called 'Leverstock Green CC Players & Supporters' is only visible to group members - which restricts the club's reach.

This group will gradually be phased out and not used any longer, replaced by a 'Facebook page' called simply Leverstock Green Cricket Club.

Many have already migrated across, so to speak, by hitting 'Like' and 'Follow' on the new page. By doing that, you'll be notified of new posts.

This new 'page' is where notice of events and other significant club news will be posted in the future.

To access the page either click HERE or paste the below line intoy our web browser:
