Leverstock Green Cricket Club News story

SAT APR 26 - SATURDAY SOCIAL: LGCC Is 'Going To The Dogs'! Join Us For a Trip To Romford Greyhound Stadium

20 Mar 2025

YOU'VE heard them say "LGCC is going to the dogs!"...and now it's official...we are!

Join us for a return coach trip to Romford Greyhound Stadium on the evening of Saturday April 26.

The cost of £35 per person includes return coach travel from & to LGCC, stadium admission, race card, a voucher for a drink & fast food item and discount for admission upon future return.

Transport is arranged from The Green to depart at 5.00pm and we ask those travelling to arrive around 4.30pm, please. The return will leave Romford shortly after the last race, just before 10pm.

The evening includes the chance to watch 12 action-paced races live as the dogs battle for supremacy over a mix of different racing distances - and you've only got six to choose from!

To book, please place your name on the list pinned to the glass partition inside the LGCC clubhouse or email your name, contact details and number of places required to Social Events Co-Ordinator Mike Wood: mpwood3333@gmail.com.