Leverstock Green Cricket Club News story

DONATED YET? It Couldn't Be Easier

22 May 2014

LEVERSTOCK GREEN CC would love everyone to contribute to its long-term future by giving what they can to the Clubhouse Development Fund.

Donating is simple to do and it's a case of what works best for you.

There have been some very generous gestures from members & presidents so far, however this is a true case of the more the merrier. The more that can be donated, the more LGCC can reduce its loans commitment for what is a project that is truly transforming life on The Green at Bedmond Road.

All the information you would require is clearly explained on the Donation Guidelines form. 

Click HERE to download this document, which explains options to donate on a one-off basis by cheque or bank transfer as well as by monthly standing order - to help spread what you want give more evenly across the year.

GiftAid allows the club to enjoy extra benefits from your donation. If you're a UK taxpayer, simply completing one of the two forms below means it'll all be done for you - at no extra cost to you and for the benefit of LGCC.

Click HERE for a one-off donation form.
Click HERE for a past, present & future GiftAid form.