IT'S a very fond farewell to LGCC's very own 'Magic Man' Phil Perry, as he & wife Polly embark on a new chapter in their lives with a move to East Anglia.
Away from a recent farewell function for the couple, Phil's darting efforts were recognised by his team-mates who made a presentation to him at the 2014/15 Presentation Night, held early last month.
Here's Phil with a memento of thanks from his darting colleagues. We wish him and Polly every happiness.
WEDNESDAY prize-winners for the season just ended are pictured below.
Ian Dashwood (Secretaries Runner-Up), Janet Dashwood and Beryl Webb (Reserves Runners-Up).
Roy Makins (above) was also able to toast his Reserves Runner-Up award.
LGCC's Wednesday darts team is, however, in need of new recruits for the Wednesday night team. Fixtures are most weeks with any level of commitment welcome.
Please contact Darts captain Paul Dashwood if you wish to offer your darting services as part of LGCC's team in the Hemel Social Club Darts League 2015/16: 01442 400304 or