WITH a view to remaining Covid-compliant, LGCC's management committee have decided to remove all the tables bar one (see why below) from the patio area and place them on the grass outside the clubhouse patio's perimeter.
We are very conscious of complying with the current rules, particularly as we are very visible on The Green, and we note that other establishments in the local area have already had parts of their outdoor areas closed by the police due to Covid breaches.
Whilst it was great to see so many of you last weekend, the constraints under which we're allowed to open were not always adhered to. As you know, we're a Community Amateur Sports Club with a volunteer bar staff, so we're not in a position to have full-time employees and others ensuring compliance at all times. We prefer our approach to be one of collaboration, understanding and accord between members & their families and those responsible for the club's wellbeing.
With this in mind, we respectfully request that in order to be served members sit at the one table on the patio and then move away to space on the green (outfield) itself. We have to insist on table service, as you're aware, so please remain seated until you see that this table has become free should you wish to be served.
The remainder of the patio area will be out of bounds for the time being. Changing-room toilets will continue to be used.
Please remember that no more than six people can sit at any one table.
Like you, we're hopeful that within a few weeks the rules will start to relax and we can gradually move toward a more normal bar service, but in the meantime please help us by keeping a safe distance, wearing masks when visiting the toilets and moving away from the patio table onto the green once you have been served.
Thank you again for your co-operation.
LGCC's Management Committee