THE family of the late Fred Glasscoe, a long-serving member of Leverstock Green CC, joined club officials at The Green to officially commission a clock in his honour.
We were privilged to be joined by many of Fred's family and, just before play commenced on Saturday July 10, LGCC President Brian Coulshed spoke about Fred's understated but signifcant service in many different roles on the club's behalf.
His elder son Keith spoke warmly of his father's relationship with the club in response, before Fred's widow Pauline joined with other members of the family to unveil a plaque which now sits underneath the impressive mounted timepiece.
The plaque reads 'Fred Glasscoe 1930-2021; a long-serving member who spent many happy hours watching cricket here'.
We believe this is an appropriate and long-lasting tribute to a member who gave outstanding service over many years to Leverstock Green CC.