JOIN us at LGCC for all the thrills, spills & excitement of the races with our very own LGCC 'Clubhouse Race Night' on Friday March 7.
Advance booking of tickets can be made as set out below, with a £3 entry ticket including a Race Card.
You can sponsor and name a race for just £10, while individual horses can be sponsored & named for £3 each.
THe clubhouse & bar will be open nice & early at 6.30pm, with the Race Night itself set to start at 7.30pm.
Betting on horses for each of the evening's races will be in multiples of £1, with the odds announced before the start of every contest.
Tickets and sponsorship are now available from LGCC's Social Events Co-Ordinator Mike Wood:
The club now also has a standalone bank account dedicated to social events. Payments are best made this way if possible, please.
Metro Bank: Leverstock Green Cricket Club
Sort code: 23-05-80, Account 55683573
We look forward to seeing many of you for a cracking night of fun entertainment!