IT'S LGCC's debut 'Live Casino Night', with three tables and plenty of fun besides - including some creative cocktails to accompany your good fortune, let's hope!
Dress up or come casual - either is absolutely fine as
We'll be asking for a £20 contribution, payable upon arrival, from each attending guest to help towards the costs & set-up of the event - which will get underway at 8.30pm latest.
This contribution will entitle you to an allotment of chips to wager with. Under rules we're obliged to follow, cash prizes aren't allowed but the highest chip-holder will receive a nice gift from LGCC organisers.
Experienced croupieres will be running three different tables for you to circulate between and enjoy: Blackjack (21s), Roulette and Poker. They'll be happy to explain the basic concepts to anyone completely unfamiliar; you don't have to be a casino regular.
Stepping into the unknown a little bit with a first night of its kind, LGCC is hopeful of an excellent turnout and great fun for all who come along.
See you on the 11th...are you feeling lucky?