Leverstock Green Cricket Club News story

LGCC IS ON TWITTER: Why Should You Join?

06 Jan 2014

NO this is not a picture of a girl picked up by one of the 1st XI cricket team at the Function Rooms (or Frooms, to give the correct title) last summer, it is in fact the 'Twitter' bird.

These days, it's an instantly recognizable global symbol for one of the easiest forms of online communication: Twitter.

So how does Twitter work and why should you bother signing up?

Leverstock Green Cricket Club's Twitter account is @LevyGreenCC. Any Twitter registered user that chooses to 'follow' @LGCricketClub will receive a 'Tweet' (a message from Twitter) every time it is issued from that account.

Similarly, @LevyGreenCC is likely to reciprocate and follow that person back, then the @LevyGreenCC account user would receive 'Tweets' from the person who chose to follow it.

And so it goes on. As a user, it's your choice who you follow (receive 'Tweets' from) and, when you want to say something, only those following you will see it.

With the regularity of LGCC's communications, both via this club website and Twitter in particular, set to increase over the coming months, perhaps it's time to give 'Twitter' a try?

How do you sign up?
If you punch www.twitter.com into your web browser, you'll be able to create an account within five minutes or so. It's free and it's not complicated.

Then search for @LevyGreenCC and hit the 'Follow' button. You'll then be able to see who @LevyGreenCC is following and being followed by.

By 'following' others in the club's list yourself, you'll be creating the kind of network which will allow the Club to communicate instantly and effectively with a growing number of playing and non-playing members.

By next summer, or sooner if possible, we'd like a large number of the club's membership on Twitter; not only to receive timely updates from the club, but also to strengthen bonds between existing members by conversation on stuff that's not necessarily directly related to LGCC.

Join today, give it a try. The great thing is, no one need know you're there! Even without Tweeting yourself, you can get all the @LevyGreenCC updates, direct to your home PC, iPad, laptop or mobile device.

We'll see you on Twitter. Tweet Tweet for now!