Leverstock Green Cricket Club News story

LGCC JUNIOR CRICKET - SEASON 2022: New Playing Shirts, Training Timings, Herts Junior League Fixtures, Pre-Season Fun & More...

30 Mar 2022

WITH the clocks now having gone forward and the evening light stretching out for longer, there's no better signal that the 2022 cricket season is nearly upon us!

Here's the very latest updates relating to the summer ahead for our junior players...

Our indoor practise sessions at Longdean School have now finished. Thanks to the many junior players who came along - whether once, twice or for all of the 10-week spell.

We're now gearing up for outdoor training at The Green; spread across Friday evenings and Saturday mornings:

- Friday evenings (6.30pm to 8.00pm) will be for age groups Under-11s, 12s, 13s, 14s & 15s.

- Saturday mornings (9.15am to 10.45am) will be for age groups Under-8s, 9s, 10s & 13s Girls.

ECB Level 2 Coaches Mike Downes and/or Richard Walker will lead these sessions, supported by ECB-qualified coaches which include some of our senior players. Our new overseas player will also be helping coach at all training sessions once he arrives. Nominated parents will also be on hand to assist, and be assured that all those in lead roles will be holding a valid ECB DBS check.

Weather permitting, outdoor training will begin on Friday April 8 & Saturday April 9. Postponement notifications (in the event of wet or very cold conditions) would be made via the club's website and age-group-specific WhatsApp groups.

GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 15: DJ Lewis after training
LGCC's Social Events Committee has organised a disco for the evening of Good Friday, so training will run between 5.30pm and 7.00pm and then the kids can enjoy a children-friendly disco thanks to DJ Lewis at the clubhouse!

FRIDAY APRIL 22: LGCC Juniors Pre-Season Social
(including new Playing Shirt distribution)

All parents / guardians of LGCC junior players are invited to The Green for a few drinks and pizzas prepared & sold by Chris and his team from his specialist pizza van. This will run throughout the evening from the 6.30pm training start time.

Just as importantly, subject to their on-time arrival, we've earmarked this evening for the distribution of a brand-new LGCC playing shirt to each junior player. And of course we'll have a few other fun bits for kids & adults going on - in true LGCC fun style!

Emblazoned with an embroidered LGCC club crest along with our principal junior cricket sponsor logos, we're hoping a new shirt will help all our young players look really smart as they take to the field during summer 2022.

Cost-wise, we're asking you to find £14 while LGCC will pay the other £20. This £14 will be added to Junior annual subscription fees for this year, meaning £49 per junior player (family deals available, please ask).

As those of you who may have had children at other clubs will know, this £35 + £14 is still an extremely modest sum - including as it does all coaching at group training sessions. The club continues to pride itself to offer inclusive, affordable cricket enjoyment for all of its junior players, hoping to foster a life-long love of both the game at being at The Green.

Match fees will remain at £3 per player, only payable when juniors are involved in games so you're not funding other players' participation if your junior(s) only attends training sessions or can't play the full schedule of fixtures.

Fixtures are set to start during the first week of May (week commencing Monday May 2), with the final touches to LGCC's extensive schedule just being applied now before publication.

LGCC Junior coaching leads have considered each team entry to ensure cricket at an appropriate level for all age groups, with those in the Under-14 age group and above firmly encouraged to join in with Tuesday night weekly adult training sessions for extra experience as part of their journey into Saturday afternoon adult cricket.

Sundays are going to be a hive of activity at The Green, with the ground being used exclusively for junior fixtures right throughout the day. With ten junior teams, it's pretty much the only way we've been able to make all the fixtures work while ensuring all junior players get to use The Green for every home match.

As ever, we plan for players to take part in their own age group and the age group above - subject to development level.

We'll send around the fixture list as soon as it's been finalised. We're hoping that will be within the next week or so.


Please pick up the phone and call with any particular questions you may have about the above information.

Mike Downes, Coaching Director (Junior Cricket) - 07768 976372 
Richard Walker, Cricket Manager - 07881 658415